By Dr. AbdulKhabeer MuhammadThe MessageAugust 1997 The first group of Muslims that came to Panama (Central America) came as slaves from Africa, brought by the Spaniards to work the gold mines. Not unlike the Africans in the other parts of the Americas, they refused to be slaves. In 1552 a group from the Mandinka tribes […]
Category: Misc
Muslims were in America before Columbus!
By Jose V. Pimienta-BeyThe Message, 1996, ICNA The works of men such as Ivan van Vertima, Barry Fell and Alexandervon Wuthenue represent 20th century scholarship which has stated directly or indirectly that there has been a significant Muslim presence in the early Americas. While it is true that there have been a number of Muslim […]
The Islamic Community In The United States: Historical Development
By Muhammed Abdullah In-depth study by Muhammed Abdullah Ahariof the five eras of Muslim history in America – before 1800, 180-1890, 1890-1910, 1910-1950, and 1950-present. IntroductionThe purpose of the following historical survey is to present the basic realities of the Muslim Experience in the West. I have chosen several methods of looking at these […]
The Melungeons
The Melungeons: An Untold Story of Ethnic cleansing in AmericaBy Brent KennedyThe Melungeons Perhaps Nancy Hanks, the mother of Abraham Lincoln, was Melungeon. It somehow seems fitting that one of America’s greatest Presidents should be of mixed race and probably Muslim heritage. But who are the Melungeons? Historical records document that from 1492 through the […]
Islam and Columbus’ America – Lessons We Can Learn from the Fall of Islamic Spain
Dr. T. B. Irving In 1499, seven years after the tragic fall of Granada into Castilian hands, Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros came to that city to break the 1491 treaty that guaranteed Muslims’ religious rights. The last king Boabdil was exiled but the common people of Granada were left behind to bear the brunt of […]